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软件名称: 野火4.0新增加的读入外部数据特征识别工具
文件类型: .rar
界面语言: 简体中文
软件类型: 国产软件
运行环境: /WinNT/2000/XP/Other
授权方式: 免费软件
软件大小: 4.69 MB
软件登陆: 野火
作 者 : hycad
官方网址: 官方站
程序演示: 演示
整理时间: 2008-07-13                   下载次数:
软件简介: 野火4.0新增加的读入外部数据的特征识别功能,也可以理解为重新参数化,比如IGS或者STEP读入的数据部分特征都可以再进行参数化,目前这个功能在4.0的测试版本里面是采用浮动模块方式加载的,类似于EMX的加载方式,是在PTC公司网站下载的,为了安装简单方便,我自己重新做成安装包,PTC原始的使用方法是手动添加到相应文件夹,然后再手动添加变量等等(见后面的英文说明).感觉比较麻烦,我就自己动手做了这个安装包,重新打包后的安装方法完全同EMX一样.


Feature Recognition Tool Installation Instructions

The Feature Recognition Tool (FRT) is available for download from PTC’s free downloads page (http://www.ptc.com/community/free_downloads.htm). It is written for 32 bit Windows platforms only.

Installation Instructions
The tool is configured by default to operate from the Pro/ENGINEER startup directory. However this is generally a volatile location and the plug-in should be maintained in a safer location.

1. Extract the FRT zip file contents to a desired safe location (i.e. c:\ptc\frt).

2. Add the ‘toolkit_registry_file’ config.pro option and give it the path and file name to the frt.dat file (i.e. toolkit_registry_file c:\ptc\frt\frt.dat).

3. Edit frt.dat and add the full path to the pt_feat_recgn.dll file (exec_file) and the full path to the text directory (text_dir).

name feat_recgn_dll
startup dll
exec_file C: \ptc\frt\pt_feat_recgn.dll
text_dir C: \ptc\frt\text
allow_stop true
delay_start false

4. Copy the config.win file to one of the following locations:

a. < Pro/E loadpoint>/text/
b. (usually C:\ unless set by the HOME environment variable)
c. Startup working directory

5. Start or restart Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0.

The FRT icons should appear in part mode. If not, ensure the config.win file extracted from the zip file is the latest version in your startup working directory.

Quick Installation Instructions
It isn’t proper or clean, but it will work.

1. Extract the contents of the zip file into the Pro/ENGINEER startup directory.

2. Start or restart Pro/ENGINEER.
The FRT icons should appear in part mode. If not, ensure the config.win file extracted from the zip file is the latest version in your startup working directory.
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  • 下载说明: 本站统一解压密码:www.proewildfire.cn
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